Dietary Change Due to Health: Benefits and Falters
Food change due to health: Benefits and Falters. Hundreds of thousands of individuals are faced with health conditions that can be mediated.
Where have we gone wrong? It's Only FOOD!
Try as we may, there is an undeniable connection between our food and our health. We can’t deny it, it is what makes us up, after all.
The Top 5 MD Recognized Common Misconceptions About Food
The top 5 MD recognized Common Misconceptions about food Dr. Michelle Macken is a a popular vegan doctor in New York, attempting to bring enilght...
Food and Energy
What is often lost in the shuffle between dietary fads, eating for flavor or emotion, and the conceptions of eating to fit work and ...
Here it is: Verbal Gold: My Natural Antibiotics List and Other Flu Support Tips
If you’ve been lucky enough to get to experience the latest flu bugs going around you’ll know it’s a real joy ride!
What's the Big Deal About B12, Anyway?
B12 helps iron to do its’ job, helps to produce red blood cells, and creates the oxygen carrying portion of hemoglobin.
From The Greatest Showman to the Biggest Freak
The Greatest Showman… And this is why everyone loves it.
Charlie Chaplin Knew Why We're Here
“in the case of which our inner light, which is our sympathy with others, shines up in us, purified and free… it is… important that is…”
Lymphatic Dry Brush Infographic
Lymphatic dry brushing is so important to release the glycation that happens from cellular metabolism, release, and apoptosis (cell death).
Food - Our Most Illusive Healer
"Where did we go wrong? Why has the simple idea of nourishing our body become such a state of confusion, bias, stress, and work?
Why "Eating the Blueberry" Isn't Going to Heal You
The Healing Nature of Food - Why Eating Blueberries isn’t Going to Heal YouWhat never ceases to intrigue me is both the healing nature of food, and…
Bringing Back the Spark of LIfe Through Affirmations and the FOUR Constructive Energies Guaranteed to Do So.
What's important to remember is that the thoughts, views, beliefs, actions and words you speak create your tomorrow. You are speaking out a literal hologram of your personality into the world and designing what your world will look like. Sometimes you need to just bring back the spark to life and need a gentle push to remind you.
Plant Based Nourishment and the Effect It Has On Our Bodies
Food and HealingAs we have led up to, food and the nature of healing cannot be separated.
WHO, Exactly IS Responsible For Our Health...and Our Many Justifications Why We Don't
WHO, exactly IS responsible for our health?
The Biggest Thing We Are Missing In Our Diets Today Could Be THE Game Changer For All Physical and Emotional Maladies
Disconnection to our food has occurred largely because of our disconnection to our true selves, but also because of the separation from the life ta…
Why Food Could Change Our Outlook On Life
Food and ControlFood gives us a sense of control over our own illusions. The key to allowing our food to work for our body’s use is to understand …
What if WHAT We Eat Is Not The Only Problem? Why HOW We Eat Matters
As we discuss the particulars of what to do for physical body health, like supplements, exercises, and what to eat, understand there is an energy t...
What is ANMC?
ANMC stands for: Advanced Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Center.
Our clinicians and coaching team specializes in seeing you as a whole person, using systems and strategies that make it easy to be healthy and okay to be happy so you can finally feel better.