Near or Far….

Get Started Wherever You Are!


This personalized panel includes an online health questionnaire, bioenergetic cellular function and inflammation assessment, and comprehensive customized risk report showing imbalances in the body systems, with suggested goals on how to balance them.

Click “Purchase this Panel” button

  1. Complete the online form and follow the instructions to send in a safe, pain free buccal (cheek) swab and return to us.

  2. Complete the Health Questionnaire and Intake Forms, which will be sent by email.

  3. Pay the invoice sent.

  4. Watch for an email from us through “Practice Better” to activate an account with us. This is where you will receive documents and protocols.

  5. Your results will populate to your account in 7-14 business days. Our team will send you an email letting you know where to find your results. Call the office at 320-639-0044 to coordinate a phone call lab review with our practitioners.

    *If you have any questions or difficulties, please call the office at 320-639-0044 or email: