Combining Both Science and Nature:

The Science and Inspiration Behind Our Programs



Autoimmune and Chronic Inflammatory Disease




Limbic and Cognition


Program Model


Vagus Nerve and Nervous System and The Cell Danger Response


BioAcoustics and Frequency


Phenolic Therapy


Why Don’t You Teach Them To Find Me?


Ruscio, M., DNM, & DC. (2021, April 19). How to improve exercise tolerance and fatigue. Dr. Michael Ruscio, BCDNM, DC. This is a great article and podcast explaining exercise intolerance, HRV and how it relates to aerobic conditioning, how it affects GI disorders, anxiety, stress, why we do the exercises we do

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"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" ~ Jeremiah 30:17

“For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to help you not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. “ Jeremiah 29:11