From The Greatest Showman to the Biggest Freak

The Greatest Showman...And this is why everyone loves it. Because I guarantee that everybody, every single person has felt out of place at more than one time in their lives. EVERYBODY has felt not worthy, different, wrong, maybe even a freak, like they don't fit in. Because more of us have known what its like to have loved and lost, to be looked down on, or to feel unworthy. For everyone, at some time who has felt like a fraud, who has been caught up in their act, or felt they were nothing. For all of us who kill ourselves "wanting to be more than what we are", forgetting what it's all for. For everyone who has wanted to do more, to be more. For everyone who has wanted to "rewrite the stars" you can. And you don't need everyone to believe you are amazing, just you. All are beautiful in their own way. Everybody has felt like they don't fit in, but it's not an excuse to not be great anymore, otherwise what is all of this for: this beautiful, horrible, hard, painful, heartbreaking, upsetting, joyful life? When it comes down to it, we all just want to be accepted, and be happy. "You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people." We all are the way we are, as we are, for a purpose. WE ARE a "celebration of humanity". Kudos to the writers, directors, producers, actors, and musicians, for such a time as this, at a time, when perhaps, we needed to be reminded what it's all for.  BECAUSE WE HAVE ALL BEEN BRUISED and "We can live in a world that we design".


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Charlie Chaplin Knew Why We're Here