“Perhaps there are no perfect solutions, but as the healthcare system in the United States faces increasing demands for reform, America may yet achieve the healthcare system its citizens need and deserve.” - Fox News

It Took a Lot of Study…

ANMC Holistic Health operates under the guidance, instruction, of our founder Amanda Plevell, PhD, MSCN, CNS, NMC, CNS.

After 15 years of study, and 19 years in practice, Amanda has had the great opportunity to work with thousands of clients all over the world, ultimately resulting in identifying core foundational components that Amanda defined as “crucial and vastly under-utilized for true root cause healing”.

Amanda has created a specialized method pulling together Nutrition, Neurogenic Illness, and Metabolic Interventions. Together with her trained team, she carries out proactive, intentional, and purposeful protocols, helping individuals restore their innate function, and ultimately experience the joys of greater health!

  • It all begins with an idea an initial consultation. The Initial Consultation and Screening is an initial appointment with Amanda Plevell’s team, technicians who are trained in Amanda's method.  A cellular bioenergetic assessment is conducted, and along with evaluation of the required intake forms, the technician is adept at helping you identify imbalanced body systems and get you started with a program or strategy plan. 

  • ANMC hosts a large center with natural, non invasive and under utilized interventions, like nutrition and vagal toning, HRV training, and supportive therapies to re-integrate the nervous, immune, and metabolic systems.

  • Follow your action plan and spend time with us. Our method allows us to follow through, monitor, and get to know your body and it’s responses. We help keep you accountable, incorporate new actionable strategies, and integrate them into your life, so that you know how to STAY WELL even after your time with us.