Dietary Change Due to Health: Benefits and Falters

Food Change due to Health:  Benefits and Falters

Hundreds of thousands of individuals are faced with health conditions that can be mediated or alleviated with diet change.    However, as we have spoke of already, for all of the above reasons we have already mentioned, that simple solution can be quite a life altering one.  Though for sure it is a change for the better, not everyone is ready for the new lifestyle that diet change due to health offers. Not only that, but many people WANT to consume what is on store shelves.  They don’t WANT to be different, adapt, stand out at parties, or need selective menus.  They don’t want to drop convenience for health.  They don’t want to stop fitting in with their friends.  For many it is a change that is harder than going through the symptoms.  Luckily there is a “solution”:  medication!  With medication, the person can live the way they desire without much change except the addition of a tiny little pill.

There is question, however, as to how much the tiny little pill is playing bandaid while the body continues procuring poor health(minus the now hidden symptoms).

Many truly don’t want to take pills, because of the questions, the attachment to needing them for the rest of their lives, or the cost.  But there are other things to consider why diet alteration is often not a compliant protocol.  Having addressed them, perhaps diet alteration for health would be more cooperative and all would see the benefit.  

When diet alterations could be a beneficial, even necessary component to a health protocol, we have to understand that it is often the case that the client does not have the education of what should be part of their dietary protocol.  This results in searching for information for themselves, online, which can often be misleading, inaccurate and confusing, and takes times and skill in and of itself.  If not this avenue, it puts the responsibility on the provider or practitioner to train the client, often times this does not occur, due to time constraints, or insurance not paying for it, or the necessity of needing to make another appointment, wait a length of time again, make another trip, many people fall through the cracks.   The other potential problem is that the provider isn’t trained in nutrition therapies to begin with.

There is the cost of change.  Certainly changing the diet leads to changes in the pantry and the pocketbook.  Or the foods required are not easily accessible, or supported by WIC and other government food programs.

Even if there were a smooth, effective, and efficient plan for dietary education, there is resistance;  the non-desire to change and resistance to the disease title itself.  There is overwhelming emotion to a new diagnose which drastically changes life anyway, much less having to make more changes that alter the lifestyle as well.  There is age.  As a person ages, there may be less conformity, harder to change old habits, or the lack of self will of youth.  There is also the necessity of committment, which includes reading the pages, articles, brochures, and pamphlets that one is bombarded with, if ANY information is given.  They are overwhelmed, some heal by immersing in language, some feel more overwhelmed.

There needs to be a system of functional nutrition and bioavailability with education from providers that understand not just what a body needs as far as intake, but what happens biochemically once that food is INSIDE the body.  Certainly by blood mineral testing, but also hair tissue analysis, and bioenergetic testing.  Certainly in assuring the digestive system is up to par and elimination as well.  This is one clear example where ALL systems of the body must be evaluated and restored as necessary.  Then, not only does the client need follow up with knowledgeable nourishmentalists AND nutritionists or dieticians, but follow through, continued education and meal planning.  Not only must there be the nutrition assistance, but there needs to be emotional and energetic balancing as well, with someone that is experienced in adaptation, energetic emotions as well as managing emotions and how they are influencing the processes of the body. The context of the whole person’s life needs to be evaluated.

Better yet, there needs to  be public education starting in youth of the healing benefits of food, real food, and activism against processed production of fake and disease causing foods.  This needs to start young and it needs to be encouraged in programs.  For example, government supported ECFE and preschool programs, why are our kids eating packaged cakes and cookies and bars for snacks?

Health begins young, and the resulting self will, self love, and respect will move mountains.


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