When Stress Hijacks Your Brain
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

When Stress Hijacks Your Brain

Trauma nutrition is working with a body in an altered and sometimes halted or regressed growth state. Not only are the needs vastly different as far as nutritional levels but the actual body's physiology and what it's capable of doing is completely different. Trauma nutrition involves needs nutrition rather than growth and optimal nutrition, and it incorporates specific eating styles, food choices, and supplemental nutrients to support biochemistry and mood regulation.

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What To Do When Symptoms Keep Coming Back
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

What To Do When Symptoms Keep Coming Back

Instead of preventing, learn to sit with the symptom and the thoughts you are thinking about it, the emotions that it brings up, and how you physically feel with it all. I guarantee, if you pay attention, your body unearths unresolved concepts, beliefs, and situations that are waiting to be addressed. You can’t ignore them as easily if they are physically in your way!

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ANMC Detox Top Picks!
Jessica McMullen Jessica McMullen

ANMC Detox Top Picks!

The buzz around ANMC this month is on detox. There’s talk of spring cleaning, spring fever, out with the old and in with the new! If you have symptoms ranging from fatigue/exhaustion to increased seasonal allergies and immune system concerns – a Spring Detox might be calling your name.

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The New Word on Allergies and Inflammation
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The New Word on Allergies and Inflammation

This week’s blog brought to you by all of those suffering from unexplained asthma, allergies, digestive and inflammatory illnesses. These clients may have experienced symptoms since youth, or they may find that as life has progressed, symptoms have gotten worse with no answers, or more and more foods are less and less tolerated.

Going beyond nutrition to molecular biochemistry, we see that there is more we can do on a nutritional level with little known compounds called….phenolics.

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What is A Migraine Telling You?
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

What is A Migraine Telling You?

Migraines are a neurological condition that is believed to be caused by changes in the brain and the surrounding blood vessels. It is not fully understood why some people are more susceptible to migraines than others, but there are several factors that have been identified as triggers for migraines, including stress, certain foods, hormonal changes, changes in sleep patterns, and environmental factors. Now, I’m believing there is another cause.

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The Keyword is PERSPECTIVE
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Keyword is PERSPECTIVE

I love being the librarian that can add the particular books that might make all the difference to a person or maybe just even add a new piece to their puzzle. Especially in today's economic climate I think it's important that we as practitioners and helpers pay attention to client need and value and use of resources. I think our clients are asking for that and they're not wrong. We need to be cognizant of providing quality with affordability, that the value exceeds the use of the resource. If you are in the position of our Tom or Samantha consider getting additional perspectives from people you trust. It's OK to have a team! It's OK to have a community around you so that you can create a cellular community of vitality and health inside of you! I value this opportunity anytime someone reaches out so if this is you please accept my humblest thanks that you allow me to hear your story and add some additional perspective.

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What is ANMC?

ANMC stands for: Advanced Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Center.

Our clinicians and coaching team specializes in seeing you as a whole person, using systems and strategies that make it easy to be healthy and okay to be happy so you can finally feel better.