Visualize your progress with Styku at ANMC!

☑️ Contactless, safe, and private

☑️ New innovative health screens in 3D

☑️ Measures fat, muscle, and bone mass

☑️ Determines risks of underlying conditions

☑️ Great compliment to any current fitness plan

☑️ Packages of 3 for $120                                                                                                                            


Visualizing your results keeps you more motivated than the # on the scale! We've seen where it physically appears someone has lost 15# yet the scale says 2. By looking closer we can see that lean mass has significantly increased and fat has decreased and from there we can have an idea that someone DID lose 15# of fat! Pretty cool!


You are so much more than fat/muscle ratios! Check out what else we are looking at:

·         Inflammation- Was there an area that had a surprising increase? We want you to know if there could be areas with volume increase due to inflammation.

·         Thyroid & Cortisol Balance- Are you losing weight in most areas but seem to have ‘stubborn’ spots? We can see these areas and find if it is related to thyroid & cortisol imbalances.

·         Posture- How well is your nervous system handling stressors? We keep an eye on how posture is or is not changing. We may find indications that the psoas is tight affecting hips, spine and therefore affecting the nervous system.

·         Bone Density- Insurance covers medical Dexa scans, but typically only annually or biannually. Styku is noninvasive (someone pregnant or with a heart monitor can do it) and is very cost effective for tracking bone health in between your Dexa scans. Decreases in bone density usually indicates that the body is in a sympathetic stressed state and is pulling vitamins and minerals from the bones.


What to expect in my appointment?

ANMC staff will show you the private Styku set up. It will be ready to go, the technician will step out and the room has a lock on it. The client will typically dress down to underwear for consistency and wear long hair up. You stand still on the Styku plate for 35 seconds while it does a very slow turn for the complete scan. You step off and your scan is complete for the tech to review! You will have your results right away and uploaded in your chart to access forever!

🔥🔥🔥You've got this!! 🔥🔥🔥

Packages available here!

Wishing you abundant health,



Time Change & Winter Blues Support Infrared Sauna


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