HeartMath for brain & heart health

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Are you a person who:

🤍 Desires faster healing in your wellness journey?

🤍 Is going through life transitions?

🤍 Has difficulty making decisions?

🤍 Needs help with blood pressure balance?

🤍 Has time constraints & quick appointments are ideal?


HeartMath is a non-invasive tool we utilize to assist in training the nervous system to be in alignment with the parasympathetic. When these 2 systems are in coherence, we heal SO much faster. Sessions are quick- less than 15 minutes. Sometimes you’ll be listening to a short meditation while breathing, other times you’ll be recognizing how even ‘controlled’ breathing needs a little more for our bodies to calm. Our emotions/heart needs to be in the same level of presence for the nervous system to be nourished effectively.

I do frequent check-ins with myself using the HeartMath unit and am using it as I write this article actually! Typically, I have ease getting into a place of coherence but as soon as I started typing my scores went way off track. Now, it is definitely more difficult to multitask because it takes practice to be in that level of focus. I have to smile because as my breathing was proper, my mind was thinking “working with clients is so much more fun than writing blog articles” (ha! we are human here!) and I went out of coherence immediately. Funny how even small thoughts can throw an imbalance. This isn’t something to be concerned, but it’s a really cool awareness once you’ve had some training! If you’re like me, you probably geek out on getting to know your body better and this is one way to do that.

What’s happening when we struggle managing stress? Neurotransmitters are off, then blood glucose is thrown off, from there impacting the lymphatic system, liver, and heart down the road. What these short HeartMath trainings consist of is foundational practice so when small or large stressors come up, we know what it takes to get our bodies and minds back into harmony and therefore growing our personal resilience. THEN our digestive system starts to calm down, blood glucose starts to balance, neurotransmitters are getting where they need to and hormones begin to regulate.

Looking to expand in your health journey? Check out our packages and schedule with me today!

Wishing you abundant health,



Are You Asking the Right Questions?


Heart Felt Meditation