The ‘in-between’: How I nourish myself with therapeutics throughout the year

Hello ANMC Community!

My overall personal health goals usually look similar year to year- increased vitality, radiance & creating new neuropathways. All great things, right? Our actions in-between the bigger or annual check-ups is where true health forms and where these types of goals become a reality.

The mind-body connection is undoubtably intertwined and so often our minds can be a hinderance on the body’s health. And from the reverse, I’ve noticed sometimes there’s so much focus on the brain and mind work that we’re forgetting to move and aren’t utilizing the full capacity of what our bodies are capable of. In striving for balance and harmony, I’ve listed some of my favorite therapeutics that support the wholeness of you!

1.       FIT Pillar Assessments- One of the easiest ways to accomplish a whole self-wellness snapshot is with monthly FIT pillar scans. Our FIT scans show exactly how our cell health looks at that moment in time.

It looks at:

·         Nutrition: what we need to incorporate less and more of to nourish our bodies

·         Physical: what areas of our body are under stress or are being underutilized,

·         Emotional: what mental and emotional areas need a boost and practical exercises to incorporate right away

·         Reserve: what capacity our body/mind has to appropriately handle stressors that come up in our life.

You will receive a 10-page printed, detailed report with action steps and education, PLUS you receive a free 30 minute Strategy Session call with a health coach to review! I’ve personally kept these reports on my kitchen island as a reminder to work on certain areas. It even led me to pursue chiropractic work to help restructure postural muscles that have been bothering me for years. I highly encourage adding these into your family’s wellness plan.


2.       Sound Frequency Therapy- Did you know 3 key elements to moving energy is through sound, breath, and movement? With our sound frequency therapy, we have the sound and breath covered! This cell nourishing therapy option helps with anxiety, sleep, grief, emf damage, neurological pain, and so much more. You will have a therapy specialist to guide you between 16 different programs available. Clients have experienced profound results even after a few sessions- AND it’s safe for children! Just 30 minutes feels like a complete mind-body reset.


3.       Phenolic Therapy- If you’ve ever had a phenolic with me, you KNOW how much I love these! My daughter had suffered from very painful eczema on her arms and legs for years and as a parent I felt desperate to the point of paying expensive customs fees for special lotions from Australia- NOTHING worked. Since incorporating phenolic therapy this summer, she has not had one flair up since! Phenolic therapy is a quick 15-minute appointment but delivers big results. This therapy may be a great option if you have symptoms of abdominal pain, depression, insomnia, poor concentration, fatigue, skin issues, and more. These can lead to more serious conditions like asthma, menstrual disorders, dyslexia, hypertension, etc. This therapy is a balancing of those phenolics and even come in family share packs of 20!


4.       Lymphatic Therapy- If you haven’t tried our lymph presso suit in the last few months, you are in for a treat! Our upgraded suit combines functions of far-infrared heating and air pressure massage therapy. Because of the release of fluid in the built-up lymph you could potentially see a slimming effect also while improving your other symptoms! Along with benefits like fat burning, the suit supports optimization of blood cells improving immunity, enhancing medication & nutrition absorption, improving metabolism, promoting blood circulation & detoxing of heavy metals. If you’re looking for an experience that improves your health and feels like a mini massage, check out our packages!

I was excited to share a picture of my daughter and I receiving therapies together. Involving our families in our health journey can be such a beautiful way to keep us motivated!

Wishing you abundant health,



Wellness for the whole family!


Time Change & Winter Blues Support Infrared Sauna