The Heart/Creator Fraction of Personality
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Heart/Creator Fraction of Personality

Knowing the personalities will help you help yourself better, understand why you think the way you do, and decide if you want to retain those concepts. It will help you understand your natural purpose, why you do the things you do and what the tendencies for your health will be.

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The Chameleon Fraction of Personality
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Chameleon Fraction of Personality

This is an article describing this particular fraction of personalty, based on the theory of Concept Pathology Fractions of Personality.

It includes a description, what they're good at, what the shadow sides are, what is indicated as good work situations for this personality, their views on money, how this personality affects their health, typical physical complaints and how best to approach their health, how to raise a child with this personality, common faulty concepts, and the conceptual studies that will benefit them.

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The Digestive Fraction of Personality
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Digestive Fraction of Personality

They are usually thinking of multiple things at a time. These are the people that struggle with bowel upset, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, allergies and intolerance’s, because they try take on too much at once and have a hard time relaxing and just sitting still. Even when they are, their minds are going.

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What Should I Do For Myself If Both of My Parents Died of Cancer?
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

What Should I Do For Myself If Both of My Parents Died of Cancer?

The cells will tell you everything you need to know and there are multiple ways this can be monitored. You can see what the cells have to say through a bioenergetics assessment or a breath metabolic assessment. From there you work with a qualified practitioner or team of professionals to help you structure a system that's right for you and can support you in streamlining it.

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The Liver Personality
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Liver Personality

This personality works hard hard hard never giving up. This includes the physical body. Typically they don’t have many major health concerns throughout life, or at least none that they complain much about, however when something hits it hits hard, drastic, and extensive, with much surprise.

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The Mucosal Fraction of Personality
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Mucosal Fraction of Personality

They will tend to have sinus related illness and inflammation, throat clearing, hoarseness. They will often suffer from musckoskeletal disorders involving tight muscles and ultimately loss of muscle use or muscle weakness.

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Abolish Sugar Cravings: The How's and Why's
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Abolish Sugar Cravings: The How's and Why's

There's not question that sugar continues to consistently be a common problem among the population of our society. With sugar intake rates being markedly higher than even 10 years ago, there definitely is cause for alarm.

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The Solution to "Struggle": You Used To Do This All The Time As a Kid
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Solution to "Struggle": You Used To Do This All The Time As a Kid

When we are in a place of struggle and solving we are in a place of mind and ego, where essentially you are only looking at possible solutions through ONE human mind, rather than the vast possibilities of solutions that exist. When you get into a creative, imaginative, dreaming space, you enter a space of possibility.

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20 Plant Based Gluten Free Lunches That Aren't Salad
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

20 Plant Based Gluten Free Lunches That Aren't Salad

"What do you eat, then?" I get asked all the time! It's true, if I don't eat conventional foods typically bought off the store shelves and I try to eat as much real food as is possible for my meals, my meals are not made up of meat, and they're not made up of grains, or at the least are gluten free, then yes, the average American eater might have difficulty contemplating what I might eat.

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The Science of "Getting Rid" of Anxiety - 8 Thoughts No One's Talking About
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Science of "Getting Rid" of Anxiety - 8 Thoughts No One's Talking About

While it has never been outrightly spoken, society and the use of medicine and the ease of its availability has seemed to be sending us the message that anxiety is bad, undesirable, something to get rid of, rather than understanding the nature of its presence. As if there is something wrong. There IS something that is currently wrong, or feels currently wrong, but it is not YOU that is wrong. YOU are not defective. The situation is. You don’t have a DISEASE. You have an improper use of a tool.

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What the State of Struggle is Telling You
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

What the State of Struggle is Telling You

What this tells me, is that if STRUGGLE is this common, there must be something to it. Either our world is "going to hell in a handbasket" and we're all going down or there's something else. Believing as I do that we are always expanding, that consciousness and life are ALWAYS expanding, I know that it is not the latter option. You can't subscribe to the "everything happens for a reason" mantra without also believing in the former.

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Fear and It's Factors For Our Health
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Fear and It's Factors For Our Health

See, we create great reasons for us to reach out and seek help in getting down to the root of why we are really hurting. Our symptoms, our problems, and our struggles create fear, which causes us to reach to someone who "knows", to fix or alleviate the fear, which is why true healing has to be so much more than the naming of symptoms. The fear of the known thing then, once fixed, goes away, but the fear deep within that allowed us to get so scared in the first place still resides. Understanding this fear and what it says about us is paramount then. To help each other be better, we have to see it as fear and offer solutions.

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The 4 Forms of Anxiety - Anxiety Release Seminar, MN 1-15-19
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The 4 Forms of Anxiety - Anxiety Release Seminar, MN 1-15-19

Interestingly, the vast majority of professionals believe anxiety is TRAUMA ANXIETY. When in fact it seems the greater majority of sufferers are LEARNED ANXIETY. That is a big difference, and it's imperative that we do not blanket them together as the same.

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A Lesson From the Airport
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

A Lesson From the Airport

It was perfectly ok for this mom to voice her fears in the forms of the doubts we question ourselves with all the time. Our natural instinct when we respond to someone is “Oh you’ll be fine. You’re strong! Don’t talk nonsense. Of course you can do this!” type messages even though that person really IS NOT feeling strong NOR feeling like they can do anything at this point.

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Taming the Anxiety Monster
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Taming the Anxiety Monster

In reality, an anxiety monster is just an immature feeling. It is a toddler having a temper tantrum, because it is based in emotion. Think of any toddler who doesn’t have the skills developed yet to handle the anger he feels when you say “no” to the cookie. An Anxiety Monster HAS to throw a temper tantrum and wreak havoc in your life, because it’s the only way it knows to get attention for its uncomfortable feelings.

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What is ANMC?

ANMC stands for: Advanced Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Center.

Our clinicians and coaching team specializes in seeing you as a whole person, using systems and strategies that make it easy to be healthy and okay to be happy so you can finally feel better.