GapTown - Where is That on the Map?
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

GapTown - Where is That on the Map?

What we WANT and what is REALITY is a vast difference. What we THOUGHT marriage would be like and what it is are two different things. The job we have and the purpose we WANT to have feel far between.

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Capturing Your Personal Avatar
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Capturing Your Personal Avatar

To feel like you are living the person you want to be in each role of your life it's important to know who that person is. Then, you live, breathe, move, talk, and act from that image. Which is why we do this exercise called your "Personal Avatar". It's the image of who you see yourself to be.

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Histamine Intolerance Vs. Allergies
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Histamine Intolerance Vs. Allergies

Because of the wide range of symptoms, people can be diagnosed with any number of conditions, without histamine being considered. The condition can also be worsened because a person doesn't make the changes to diet that would be necessary to restore the necessary balance.

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Changing the Brain's Response to Life
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Changing the Brain's Response to Life

Concept Work for the improvement of your life, health, and happiness takes time. What do you do so you don't just keep bouncing back to your limiting beliefs? How do you truly change your brain? Just like learning any new skill, the success of mastering it takes daily practice.

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15 Questions to Ask When Your Life Needs a "Re-do"
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

15 Questions to Ask When Your Life Needs a "Re-do"

The interesting thing is how many times people say, "But I didn't ask for this". True, not verbally, but every second, and with every breath you are more intently creating your world around you. How? by not even thinking about it....not consciously anyway. Subconscious mind is always listening, creating, and acting, using it's imagination and playing off of these products. It's these subconscious ideas that are running REPEATEDLY in the brain, and most of the aren't even aware of them!

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The Number One Reason People Don't Create Healthy Boundaries...Is This You?
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Number One Reason People Don't Create Healthy Boundaries...Is This You?

Now is the time, more than ever, to really and truly create what and who you want to be! Don't wake up one more morning wondering how you got here. You choose every single day what activities you are going to participate in. Yes, I know you can't just drop your responsibilities, but you CAN slowly and gradually start making choices that WILL move you in the direction you eventually want to be. AND there's something to be said about blooming where you are planted. It teaches gratitude. And it IS where you are until you build into what's next.

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"What's This Life For?" 4 Things To Do On The Daily To Figure It All Out
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

"What's This Life For?" 4 Things To Do On The Daily To Figure It All Out

It can feel frustrating to know you must have SOME purpose and then to not really know what that is. We keep looking for it, thinking it must be something big and magical, not understanding that the purpose of life is to realize our self. Not just as ourselves, but that everyone else is doing the same, and so to realize ourselves as part of it all.

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What's Better Than Elderberry?
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

What's Better Than Elderberry?

Healing INEVITABLY has to happen when the body is allowed to do what it knows to do. This is why “eating blueberries to heal cancer” will never work, because you haven’t fully embraced or understand the idea of fueling a functioning system as a PRACTICE, a LIFESTYLE, not as an addition to an already poor diet and a poor relationship to the food that makes up that diet, which is what really needs to change. If you keep the idea that the blueberries are the “healer”, while you continue to eat your burger and fries with large soda, you’ve really only stayed consistent with the mentality that the “pill” will heal your problem, rather than a complete understanding that it takes ALWAYS fueling the diesel engine with diesel fuel EVERY TIME you fill up the tank, not just adding a cleaning substance every once in a while.

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5 Motivations For When You Need a Pick Me Up
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

5 Motivations For When You Need a Pick Me Up

An easy exercise that is like a crib note version of an "Image board" or "bucket list". Easy, to the point, and directly says what it is you want, without letting words and brain waves confuse the issue, they keep you moving forward, and they are a truthful glimpse into what you really want to be doing with your time.

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20 Ways To Wake Up Happy
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

20 Ways To Wake Up Happy

If you're one of those that has a hard time getting out of bed in the morning and the only thing that pushes you out are your responsibilities, I can imagine you feel it's time to re-evaluate things.

Maybe you're going through a phase in your life where it's hard to see the silver lining. Maybe you want life to change, you just don't know how.

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Why Compassion is The Answer To Entitlement - 5 Empowering Phrases To Use TODAY!
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Why Compassion is The Answer To Entitlement - 5 Empowering Phrases To Use TODAY!

Having said all that, you can understand that these little souls really are independent in their own right, have a greatness all their own, and just need experiences and encouragement that can set their wings free. Doing so during their childhood years can be a challenge as they learn of their own independence, and the fact that they, just like you, like things a certain way.

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How To Keep Your Lymphatics Healthy...What To Do
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

How To Keep Your Lymphatics Healthy...What To Do

Healthy lymph systems are important for breast health, for healthy intestines and bowels, and even cardio health!

But few know much about the lymph system, other than it makes their neck have painful bumps when they're sick. There's so much more to know about it....your health depends on it!

So if you ever wanted to know how you can stay healthy, what you can do when you get sick

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What is ANMC?

ANMC stands for: Advanced Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Center.

Our clinicians and coaching team specializes in seeing you as a whole person, using systems and strategies that make it easy to be healthy and okay to be happy so you can finally feel better.