Why You Just Can't Seem to Make a Decision
I made up a song to help my son adapt from sleeping to waking. Maybe some of you are like this, but it seems that he has a really hard time shifting...
Extend Your Life and Be Happier
People need "new" in their lives. I believe that is fundamental to life. That doesn't mean that we have to shop continuously, and bring new things...
Are You a Worry Wart?
“Worry, like fear, will disorganize the whole being - body, mind, and soul. Most people who are ill are the victims of worry. Even if their illness…?
Personal Care Product Supplies
I've always had a special affinity for making things myself. I love to see how little I have to buy at the store, and as much as I like to use what...
The ONE Article of Clothing That has the Dramatic Power to Change Your Health
There is one physical clothing item you can wear that is going to improve your health, enhance your memory, clear toxins from your body…
What Foods Should an Air Element Eat?
If you’ve worked with me in the past, you know that I talk ENDLESSLY about the functions of food. Because everything is made with a purpose…
Artistically Alive Free Soul
There are people that spend their whole lives searching for something, that lost something missing, the spark that has diminished to embers that...
Beauty Without Consequences
“Most people assume cosmetics and personal care products are tested for safety before being stocked on store shelves. In truth, personal care products…”
Cosmetic Safety Tips for Women
The average woman uses 12 products containing 168 different ingredients daily. Many cosmetic chemicals are designed to penetrate into the skin’s in...
10 Ways to Know You're Here to Change the World
If you were drawn to this article, there's a very good chance it is because you are questioning the meaning of your life and searching for the way...
Perhaps This is What Gandhi Meant
Be the change you wish to see in the world". "You are what you repeatedly do". "Do unto others as you would do unto you." We've all heard the quote…
This Changes Everything
This realization changed me more than any I've had up to this point. This one word, completely misunderstood in our society has been misconstrued...
The Most IMPORTANT Thing You Can Do Before You Eat
This little known intention can change the way your body handles the food it takes in. What has historically and...
How the Misuse of this ONE Simple Manners Word Could be Negatively Altering Your Life
There is one simple little manners word that we learn almost immediately as we begin communicating. Used ineffectively, it could be what has been...
A Story to Illustrate My Theory of Healing
Healing Theory - A Story Illustration(Adapted and condensed from the Akashic Records. You can find the full version in James Green's book, "The Her...
This bee stung! But she stung back....
It has been FOREVER since I've gotten stung by a wasp and MANNNNN those suckers hurt!!! I know, when you get hurt, stung, burnt, injured in any...
Make Happy
This goes out to my divorce transition clients.Divorce and separation can carry with it loads of emotion including anger, resentment, sadness...
What is ANMC?
ANMC stands for: Advanced Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Center.
Our clinicians and coaching team specializes in seeing you as a whole person, using systems and strategies that make it easy to be healthy and okay to be happy so you can finally feel better.