How and Why We Use a Breath Belt
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

How and Why We Use a Breath Belt

Breathing devices have never been more popular since the advent of Covid 19 and there are many devices on the market and in use in hospitals and clinics.1,2 There are assistive devices for individual use that help support the innate need for breath, breathing posture, and its effects on nerves, tissue, the brain, and smooth muscle like the heart.

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Powering Up Through Detoxification
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Powering Up Through Detoxification

Detoxification is a natural, normal, and healthy process of the body. It is the process in which the body identifies and neutralizes toxins to eliminate them from the body.1 These may be toxic substances, but are also the products produced from the internal process of metabolism in general.1 At any time the body’s detoxification system may be neutralizing threats from antinutrients, medications, chemicals, heavy metals, stress, allergens, infectious pathogens, even unhealthy mental states and negative emotions.1 The systems that work together for detoxification to happen include the liver and gallbladder, kidneys, lymphatic, lungs, skin, the GI system, and the brain.1 When the systems become overwhelmed, symptoms may begin to reflect the overburdened status and soon may become useful as evidence of the body’s inability to restore itself to natural and innate homeostasis.

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Sweet Sighs of Relief for Asthma Sufferers
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Sweet Sighs of Relief for Asthma Sufferers

Asthma is a common and chronic condition affecting over 25 million in the United States alone.1 The condition is characterized by narrowed airways in the lungs in which the small muscles of the lungs contract and also possible inflammation to potential triggers.2 Triggers could be environmental allergens, cigarette smoke, molds, animal dander, chemicals or dust.

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Migraine Pain: Tipping the Odds in Your Favor
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Migraine Pain: Tipping the Odds in Your Favor

12% of the United States adult population is well aware of the suffering associated with migraines.1 That’s 30 million people experiencing nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitization to light and/or sound, and visual difficulties along with moderate to extreme attacking headache pain.1 Migraines can last from four to 72 hours with varying degrees of severity throughout.

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Let Me Remind You: Key Factors in Alzheimer's Disease
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Let Me Remind You: Key Factors in Alzheimer's Disease

Forgetting where you put your keys can be a normal part of a busy life with an inattentive mind, or it could signify the normal minor cognitive impairments that can occur with age.1 For 44 million people worldwide,1 however, the sense of forgetfulness can signify the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. AD is a progressive form of cognitive decline that affects a person’s memory, language and living skills1 as well as the commonly known symptom of forgetfulness. AD is the most common form of dementia, with an estimated nearly 10 million American diagnoses by the year 2040.1

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Shining the Light on Insomnia's Hyperarousal
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Shining the Light on Insomnia's Hyperarousal

For the 60 million Americans struggling with insomnia1, it can be disheartening to hear that rather than having a direct causative factor that can be medically treated, insomnia is more largely related to lifestyle dynamics than anything else.1

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Stress Response and Biochemistry Sums Up General Anxiety
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Stress Response and Biochemistry Sums Up General Anxiety

Anxiety has quickly been establishing itself as one of the most encountered diseases among primary care.1 40 million people in the United States alone1 are subject to bouts of general anxiety symptoms that have them calling their providers. While there are many variations upon the anxiety spectrum, general anxiety disorder (GAD) is most common among them.

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Reducing the Fatiguing Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Reducing the Fatiguing Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

The human body has been wired with an incredible emergency response system in order to handle stressors, whether they are internal, external, physical, psychological, or biochemical.1 When a threat is sensed, the body responds with a well-planned management sequence. Interestingly, prevalence of the ailment is difficult to determine as there is some disagreement that adrenal fatigue evens exists.

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Menopause: A Season of Self Reflection
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Menopause: A Season of Self Reflection

Whether warmly welcomed or sincerely feared, the fact of the matter is that every woman all the world over will experience menopause at one point in their lives. The experience, however, varies for each woman, with 70-75% of women experiencing the vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause including hot flashes, sweating, anxiety and heart palpitations that can last from 6 months to 2 years.1

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Anorexia's Multiple Distortions: It Takes A Village
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Anorexia's Multiple Distortions: It Takes A Village

Affecting 6 to 15% of the US population, and more common in boys than girls, Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder where the individual suffers a distorted body image, refuses to maintain a normal weight,1 and intentionally avoids the intake of food.2 While anorexia can occur at any age, peaks are seen from 13 to 14 and 19 to 20 years old.2 There may be a genetic component that could potentially increase susceptibility to developing anorexia.2 Behaviors modeled from parents and peer groups and social media can also be a powerful influence. There is a psychological prevalence with the disorder, but it is generally due to a distorted perception of the body composition.1,2

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What to Do With School Year Anxiety - Theirs and Yours!
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

What to Do With School Year Anxiety - Theirs and Yours!

The new school year is upon us and for some of our kiddos (and mamas and papas), that can mean mounds of anxiety as we approach the new once again.

How do we learn from this feeling, and more importantly, how do we navigate it and teach the youngest among us how to navigate it as well?

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The Tongue May Hide the Truth, But the Eyes, Never!
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Tongue May Hide the Truth, But the Eyes, Never!

Like the hands, feet, ears, and tongue, the eyes can be a literal map to the internal body. In fact the study of Iridology provides maps of the iris and pupil and demonstrate which parts relate to which parts of the body. Various color changes, thickenings, or spots called "lacunas" can be a physical indicator that a body system could use some support.

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The Epiphany You Need to Scale Your Health
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

The Epiphany You Need to Scale Your Health

I had an interesting conversation with a client last week. In truth, however, it's one I have pretty frequently.

A client will come in with this frustration, this one main challenge they are trying to get through, and they pin it down to this one main problem.

However, as we are having conversation and getting to know the person and their body better, we might hear other topics mentioned, like that motor vehicle accident they had, or the autoimmune that is in the family, or the thyroid disorder or the diabetes and cancer.

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10 Beliefs To Help You See That You Are Not “Unsolvable”
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

10 Beliefs To Help You See That You Are Not “Unsolvable”

Am I unsolvable?

Believe it or not this is such a common question when people finally reach my desk.

They're really wondering by this point:

* Can anyone help me?

* Can anybody help me or am I just unfixable?

This is a very disempowering place to be. If we know anything about healing, being disempowered isn't going to support the effort. I believe that people need to believe they can heal and that they are in fact capable with the right direction and guidance.

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Teeth and Belching? Who Knew?! What Teeth Have to Say About Your Gut Health
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Teeth and Belching? Who Knew?! What Teeth Have to Say About Your Gut Health

Biological complications (meaning problems elsewhere in the body) occur in over 69% of cases after cavities, root canals, or implants. Yes, your teeth affect the other parts of your body. It’s called “terrain theory”. This means that symptoms like these listed could be affected by the health of your teeth, your gums, and the dysbiosis of bacteria in the mouth. Symptoms like:



Chronic sinus infections

Brain fog



Bad breath


Cardiovascular disease

Eczema and skin conditions


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What is ANMC?

ANMC stands for: Advanced Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Center.

Our clinicians and coaching team specializes in seeing you as a whole person, using systems and strategies that make it easy to be healthy and okay to be happy so you can finally feel better.