It’s Dark. I’m Crabby

Daylight Savings Time

What does that even mean? Yes, I am vaguely aware of the origin and that at one time it served a purpose, but like roman numerals, I think we have moved on.

Now that it is getting darker I feel myself changing. I am not as motivated to go for a walk in the dark. I am wanting to go to bed at 6:00. Isn’t it funny how much the sun can affect our mindset and lifestyle?

After a few days of adjusting, I knew I needed to check in with myself and use my supports. (See Blog You need to lose weight. You need to floss. Shocking Information From Your Wellness Appointments)

One of these supports is called Fit Pillar. I do these from time to time and find most value in them at the changes of the season. It is during these season changes that my lifestyle begins to shift, which directly affects my overall health. In the summer, I am grilling more and getting more sunshine. Now that winter is upon us, I am definitely eating more soups and need to be more intentional in how I am getting my steps in.

What is a Fit Pillar? Fit Pillar is a tool that assesses the functionality, balance, or imbalance of organs, cells, and tissues. It then gives you a score across 4 different categories; physical, nutritional, emotional, and reserve. It then uses those scores to give you an overall score.

The Physical Pillar represents your muscular strength and flexibility. It looks at your various organ systems and the stress that they are experiencing.

The Nutrition Pillar tests the nutritional components such as vitamins, minerals, as well as food groups that may cause certain sensitivities. It also examines the digestive system and hormones that can affect the body’s nutrition.

The Emotional Pillar focuses on the emotional and mental well-being of your body. It looks at how your body responds from a stress standpoint which includes both positive and negative emotions. It also includes your response to Bach Flowers which represents certain emotions and experiences over your lifetime.

The Reserve Pillar can be used as an indicator of the available resources your body has for healing and dealing with the stressors in your life.

Check out this video where I share my personal Fit Pillar results.

Want your own Fit Pillar Assessment? Click here to book.


What Does a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner Do?


You need to lose weight. You need to floss. Shocking Information From Your Wellness Appointments