You need to lose weight. You need to floss. Shocking Information From Your Wellness Appointments

Have you ever put off making a doctor appointment because you just didn’t want to face what they were going to say or worse yet you didn’t want to flat out lie? Yes, I floss after a meal.  I only drink wine once a month. My gums are bleeding and my weight is up 10 pounds from my last visit? This is all brand new information!

Not quite. At least not for me it isn’t. 

As I continue on my health journey, I am learning that these wellness checks are important but what is more important is what I am doing in between those appointments. My lifestyle is what is going to directly impact how those appointments go and how I FEEL in the process.

This past year, a lot has changed for me regarding my health. I have become less attached to how I think things “should be” and more about how I feel while living a life I love.

For example, my body has really needed to slow down this year. I am still feeling and holding onto some of the stress from 2020. It was filled with so many changes and ups and downs that I never fully processed them. I just went full force into the next stressful thing. My body is now telling me it is time to slow down. Time to process. Time to reflect, acknowledge, and move forward in a way that feels life-living. Not life draining. 

What does that mean?

It means going into my wellness checks with honesty and looking at what I need to do next in order to live the life I want to live. It means taking time to stretch my body and go for walks. It means fueling my body in a balanced way and not using food to fill a void or as a way to cope. It means making counseling appointments so I can talk out the big changes I have coming up with and make a plan for how and where I want my energy to go. It means knowing I need to slow down in order to speed up. It means being content and secure with my body and trusting I know how to take care of it. 

How do you feel about your “in-between” days? 

Do you feel rushed or overwhelmed?

Do you put off making appointments because you don’t want to hear how “backwards” you have gone or you don’t want to face the truth about some lifestyle choices you are making?

Are you allowing yourself space to process stress and do it in a way that makes life more life-giving?

If you said yes, to any or all of those things, you are not alone! In fact I would venture to guess we have all felt that way!  The power comes when you stop this cycle of thinking and take action. 

How can we help you move forward? Give us a call and make every day count. 


It’s Dark. I’m Crabby


Mindful Moves Between the “To Do’s”