Beyond Surface Solutions: Healing from Within and Creating Lasting Change
Let's pretend you had this idea in your backyard for a beautiful garden beautiful lush green grass, wonderful flowers growing along a fence but what you actually saw was a flood. There seems to be no way to get rid of the water, it's just not draining so the grass is underwater and the flowers are drowning.
You have an expert come out to take a look at the problem and after taking a look around and seeing the water, the dying flowers and the waterlogged grass, he comes up with a very important discovery. He comes to you and he says “Well Ma'am, I've identified your problem. See this hose right here, water keeps coming out of it”.
“Ah you say that makes sense. I'm so glad I know why I have all of this water in my backyard period now what should we do?” And he replies “Well I've got a plan. We got to stop this water coming out so I've got some tools in my truck. We're going to knot this end and we're going to wrap it around with some duct tape. That will prevent the water from coming out”. Of course he's not going to say that he's going to follow the hose to source where the water starts and turn it off. Therefore the water will stop coming out of the hose and your yard will stop being full of water.
When it comes to the symptoms represented in our body, if we keep looking at what it is we're never going to solve it in a permanent sense.
Not only do we have to go back to the source of our symptom and “turn the water off” but we have systems that brought it about in the first place.
Take acne for example, looking at the expression of acne we can see the little bumps on the skin. We're looking only at the water in the backyard. We can spend all kinds of time energy and money on trying to correct the acne on the surface of the skin with creams, topicals, prescriptions, and all kinds of fancy face washes. But if we look beyond at where the hose turns off, we need to look at the systems behind it. Skin is the largest organ in the body and it's an elimination organ.
If acne is the expression then what is happening internally?
Are the other eliminative organs functioning well?
Are the kidneys and bladder functioning well?
Is the person urinating often enough?
Or not drinking enough water?
Or not having enough acidity or too much acidity?
Is the liver capable of detoxification?
Are there too many toxins coming in?
Is the person able to have good healthy regular bowel movements?
What kind of toxins are coming in?
How much sugar and dairy and processed food and chemical products?
All of this puts pressure on the survival systems in which cortisol and blood sugar can then become altered which can interfere with healthy hormones. It is never just the one thing, the one expression has multiple systems behind it.
Or in the case of hormone issues.
The numbers on the hormone panel are just the expression of what currently is, not permanently is.
The symptoms of hormone dysregulation are just the expression of what is. But behind hormones, we have to look at is the liver. Is it functioning correctly? Can it detoxify? Can the liver and gallbladder process fats? Does the body lack nutrients to convert and detoxify?
Since all hormones are made from cholesterol are we getting enough good healthy fats in the diet?
Are we getting too many bad fats in the diet?
Are we too stressed and our progesterone is being robbed to produce cortisol? If that's the case, we won't have balanced estrogen. Do we have elevated cholesterol levels? Is it because the body has to demand more cholesterol because it needs it to produce cortisol?
The expression is never where we should stop. It is by far the least effective way in looking at how to correct a perceived problem.
I'm going to challenge your mind a little further.
What you see as your body and what you see as your symptoms all come from the past. It is what you ate yesterday and in the years leading up and what you drank and how you slept and what you put in your body and the stress you were under that are the ingredients that went into the cells that manifested as the body as you currently see it.
In the same way, the things you eat today, the stress you feel today, how you sleep, the beverages you consume are all going to help determine what the cells create tomorrow and in your future.
This is why in my work, we spend so much time on creating an environment conducive to healing. This is what I mean by that.
How much good does it do to FOCUS attention on what the past created?
How much good does it do to combat the acne with creams and lotions and pharmaceuticals.
What would happen if we start creating an environment for healthy skin?
What if we addressed all the systems that lead to the expression of healthy skin?
Now here is where people get into trouble.
First, they don't understand all that I've said so far and second, instant gratification tends to kill the long term goal.
We really need to know what it is that we're going after. In this case, healthy skin and you, need to work on spending the time putting in ingredients today that will give us that result in the days to come.
But what happens is something will come up, a decision, a situation, like a social gathering and that alcohol or that dairy fettuccine will taste so good even though we know the dairy is problematic for this individual because we don't see it immediately. We eat what makes us feel good in the moment, forgetting all about what we are trying to create in the long term.
Truly we need to envision the long term goal and every decision that we make needs to be more important than the pleasurable feelings of the moment.
If we believe it's true then the body and the life really are created through visualization and acting on that visualization.
I see who I want to be.
I see what I want act in such a way that naturally comes about.
We will go far further than if we keep trying to identify and then fight what is right now.