Live Pain Free! New Therapy at ANMC
Introducing our new therapy- PEMF/pain mat!
Check out this client’s testimony:
“I had severe neck and shoulder pain and lower back.
After 30 minutes on the PEMF/pain mat
I had absolutely no pain, I felt like I was on top of
the world, my well-being felt amazing.
It lasted for 3 to 4 days.” -Recent Client
Curious to try? Book here or keep reading for more info!
Improves and corrects cellular dysfunction throughout the body: cellular health, communication, and function
Enhances the body’s natural overall recovery process
Stimulates and exercises cells to recharge cells for efficient cell function and regeneration
Produces more energy naturally
Improves athletic performance and recovery
Reduces overall inflammation, pain, and swelling
Assists in accelerated injury recovery
Supports detoxification and lymphatic drainage
Work to accelerate, heal, and restore damaged tissue while reducing muscle tension
Stimulates the immune system
Helps reduce muscle & joint aches
Promotes circulation & improved blood oxygen level
Improves digestion, promotes gut healing, and nutrient uptake and absorption
Improves sleep/insomnia and alters disruptive sleep patterns to optimize all 4 necessary stages of sleep
Stimulates relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety
Schedule here!
***For maximum results pair our package with an inflammation reduction or natural pain relief supplements from our Store***
Wishing you abundant health,
Therapeutic Modality Specialist