In Clinic Programs

  • Retrain the Allergy Brain

    Retrain the Allergy Brain is Cellular Optimization Through Personal Programming. It’s a drug-less, natural, function, balance and mindfulness-based lifestyle training system to build resilience in managing health dilemmas and optimize cellular health, strengthening the body’s ability to resolve symptoms.

    By bringing awareness to the body’s misguided trauma-adaptive cellular stress response, we help your body restore it’s own nervous system harmony so that systems can function as they should.

    Why It Works = Learn More

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  • Becoming Unbound From Anxiety

    You know you don't like how you feel and you also know that you just want it to change and feel better! This 6 month program will help you see anxiety from an embodied perspective. If you were looking for a door you just found it!

    If you want to:

    * be happier

    * hate your life less

    * feel more purposeful

    l* be a better mom/dad

    * be a better spouse

    * be in control over your life

    * take the driver's seat In your life
    * have more positive experiences

    * be better, happier, more productive, and more abundant at work

    * have more joy

    You've come to the right place! "UnBound" is about challenging LEARNED ANXIETY It is designed to give you tools and resources on how to handle all of the heaviness that our thoughts can carry. You will work one on one with a health coach to learn and implement tools you can use right away to help you gain more freedom and peace.

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  • Intentional Body

    Our Clinical Nutrition Weight Rebalancing program involves a clinical approach to nutrition and assessment and support of functional systems for a total health approach. This provides for a weight-neutral, health positive focus where the intention and effort is placed on actions that move towards an individual's best well-being as a whole. The program includes Positivity Bias Training and Intuitive Eating to shift the brain from a loss mind-set to one that is health-promotive as the focus.

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