How to Write an Image
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

How to Write an Image

Create a successful plan, focus and declaration on what you're shooting for with a handy tool that helps one to detail what they want, become aware of what has faulty concepts have prevented success in the past, and action steps they can take immediately towards personal goals.

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What Did I Do Wrong? The Experience of the "Brace Myself" Concept
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

What Did I Do Wrong? The Experience of the "Brace Myself" Concept

Without a sense of trust, the body's muscles may be taut and tense, with a rigid posture, ready for attack. The stomach may be tight and not digest well if it is in a pattern of stress. This indicates digestive disturbances as well as possible adrenal or thyroid stress. There may be a sense of breathlessness and anxiety, waiting for the worst to happen, constantly ready to defend oneself, and the constant wondering of if you are going to get attacked. This constant cycle may lead to a feeling of helplessness and ultimately depression.

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Staying in Shape When You Have a Back Injury
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Staying in Shape When You Have a Back Injury

I was already through the phase of restoring the original injury and while exercise, other than back strengthening exercises were shelved, I was then ready to start looking for exercises that I could do for my whole body health, without worrying about re-injurying my back. I wanted to know what movements I could do to keep moving.

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Depression is Not A Guru
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Depression is Not A Guru

Depression is NOT Your Guru. I am writing directly to those that are currently in struggle. For those that want understanding of why they feel thi...

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7 Thought Overhauls That Need to Take Place In Order to Heal Depression
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

7 Thought Overhauls That Need to Take Place In Order to Heal Depression

As we know, depression is an epidemic! With staggering numbers ACROSS ALL AGE GROUPS! And most notably and rising steadily and quickly...among our youth. Younger and younger are the ages affected with each passing year. There has to be something to be done. And of course there is. There are many things. The challenge is, are we ready to do them? Are we ready to challenge status quo and quid pro quo? Are we ready to look at depression differently?

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Edible Hormones
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

Edible Hormones

An edible approach to hormone health provides deep nourishment for glands, enabling increased production of what they lack due to changes associated with age or illness. Healthy eating likewise reduces the activity of excess hormones already in the body, beneficially mimicking their previous function without the unwanted side effects. Here are some leading food aids to get us there.

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A Sacred Kitchen
Amanda Plevell Amanda Plevell

A Sacred Kitchen

Food is often forgotten about as we bustle along our busy days…

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What is ANMC?

ANMC stands for: Advanced Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Center.

Our clinicians and coaching team specializes in seeing you as a whole person, using systems and strategies that make it easy to be healthy and okay to be happy so you can finally feel better.