Why Walking Is Great for Relaxation and Health But Stinks For Fat Loss

These are the workouts I used to get my body back after being in the wheelchair...

Seems every doctor and wristband gadget-maker is trying to get us all to walk more.

But there's a dirty little secret those expensive gadget-makers DON'T want you to know:

Walking IS great for health and reducing stress... but it's terrible for fat loss as the study below shows. And it's especially ineffective at eliminating that stubborn flab that clings to our worst trouble spots.

It just doesn't deliver enough of a metabolic stimulus to get your fat burning hormones working!

Yes, when you walk a large % of calories burned is fat.  But because walking is so low intensity, the OVERALL amount of calories burned is low, so the total amount of fat burned barely registers.

Plus, the moment you stop walking, your metabolism goes back to sleep and you stop burning calories.  So unless you have 3-5 hours a day to walk 10,000 - 20,000 steps or more, that's not gonna cut it!

Wouldn't it be better if your metabolism kept burning fat for 24 - 48 hours after your workout?

And instead of 3-5 hours of monotonous walking, wouldn't it be better if you could generate this extended fat burning effect after just 15 minutes of activity?

I'll show you precisely how in just a second, but first...

Why Walking Stinks for Fat Loss (and What Can Get You DOUBLE the Fat Loss Results)...

A recent study published in BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation compared walking to a somewhat unusual metabolism-stimulating activity.  Check out these amazing results:

The metabolism group lost 95% MORE body fat (11.9% vs. 6.1%) AND shrunk their waist 10 times more (6% vs. .6%) compared to walkers.  So not only did they lose more fat, but their body shape improved.

But it gets better. The metabolism group also increased their V02max by 2,000% more (16.8% vs. .6%). 
V02max indirectly measures your overall ability to burn fat. The higher the number, the more fat you burn at rest.  So those in the metabolic group became better at burning fat all day, every day!

There's Just One MAJOR Problem...

Here's my problem with this study:  the group doing the metabolism-stimulating exercise was doing BOXING-related activities -- like footwork drills, punching bags, jumping rope and so on.

I don't know about you, but all that punching, jumping and complicated, pounding footwork isn't something my body can do week-in-and-week out.

Plus, these folks were doing this for 50 minutes 4 times a week.  Sure, that's A LOT better than 3-5 hours of walking every day, but still a HUGE time commitment.

Fortunately, there's a new protocol that gets you all the fat burning benefits of this "metabolic boxing" routine, but in just 15 minutes, 3 times a week.

Unlike walking, it keeps your fat burning hormones fired up and burning fat for up to 24-48 hours after.  And it's been shown to be particularly effective at removing unwanted fat from trouble spots.

It's something that anybody can do, at any age, doesn't require you go to the gym, punch any bags, push heavy tires or get your feet tangled while jumping rope.  In fact, no equipment is needed at all.

==> Stimulate Your Fat Burning Hormones in 15 Minutes with THIS

By all means, keep on walking and enjoy the relaxing, life-extending benefits.  But if your goal is to lose fat and re-shape your body shape, the smart choice is to do this for 15 minutes, 3 times a week:

Healthy Regards,



Full Disclosure:
I am an affiliate with the Natural Health Sherpa.  I submitted information to assist their efforts in writing "Metabolic Renewal" and fully believe in these metabolic workouts.  I MAY receive benefits from my inclusion. I obviously believe in the program or I would not be an affiliate, contribute from my own knowledge base, or refer this program to you.  It IS up to you to discuss this or any new wellness program with your provider.



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