Do THIS to Torch Fat, Tone Muscle and Repair Your Metabolism

This was part of the intensive program I used to get my body back 
after being in a wheelchair.  But it didn't just help me, I'm sharing 
it with everyone, because I highly believe in metabolic exercise, for 
fat loss, weight rebalancing, but also Hormone Rebalancing, and relief
from female issues, depression and anxiety, and all around health
as metabolic exercises help to stimulate the neuromuscular connection.

CrossFit, hot yoga, kettlebells, spin classes, high
intensity interval training -- everywhere you look
people 35 and over are thinking of new and exciting ways
to re-capture their youth.

There's just one problem - they are STILL making the
same 3 metabolism-damaging exercise mistakes!

A damaged metabolism ages you prematurely, drains you of
energy and makes you fatter. PLUS, it puts you at a
dramatically increased risk for chronic diseases like
diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

So please IMMEDIATELY stop making these 3 exercise
mistakes below before it's too late.

Instead, consider the "smart" alternative that's
recently been developed. It's short, efficient and
absolutely torches the most amount of fat in just 15
minutes, 3 times a week. More on that below...

==> Worst Exercise Mistake #1: This Adds Belly Fat...

When you want to burn more fat, it's as simple as
working out longer, right? Wrong!

The longer you exercise, the more your body is under
stress and the more of powerful stress hormone cortisol
floods into your cells. Some cortisol is good to help
you deal with stress, but too much is BAD.

Excess cortisol causes you to lose muscle from your
upper body and store fat, especially in your mid-section
and lower trunk. That turns women into a pear shape and
makes men look like a swollen apple.

However, what's interesting is that with the right type
of metabolic training, cortisol can actually be
harnessed to become a VERY powerful fat burner and
muscle toner as you'll see in a sec.

==> Worst Exercise Mistake #2: This Drives Sugar

Most people exercise TOO hard, thinking harder is
better. But that just sends your sugar and carb cravings
through the roof, forcing you to think about donuts and
pasts until you get a your sugar fix.

That sets up a VERY dangerous situation because there's
no substance on the planet that's more damaging to your
metabolism than sugar (and carbs that turn into sugar).

Sugar triggers a process called glycation, which coats
your cells with a thick caramel-like substance. That
prevents oxygen and nutrients from getting into your
cells and damaging toxins from getting out!

That's like starving, choking and drowning your cells
all at the same time!

Working out at the right intensity IS important. But as
you'll see below, strategically RESTING during your
workout is the #1 key to torching fat and toning muscle
- WITHOUT damaging your metabolism.

==> Worst Exercise Mistake #3 - The "Circus Workout"...

Ever seen someone hop from one machine to the next,
scurrying all over the gym or jumping all over their
living rooms trying to imitate the "insane" moves on the

That's a circus workout. It's like exercise ADD -- they
never focus on ONE THING long enough for it to stimulate
their metabolism to burn fat and tone muscle. No wonder
they don't get results!

The key is to focus JUST long enough on a particular
exercise that it forces your body to respond... but also
not TOO LONG that it triggers excess belly-fattening
cortisol as we learned earlier.

It is like goldilocks. Not too much... not too little...
but juuuust right.

When you hit this magic metabolic sweet spot, your body
burns up large amounts of fat during the 2-3 days after
your workout as your body recovers, repairs and prepares
to be challenged again.

How to Avoid These 3 Mistakes and Hit the Metabolic
Sweet Spot...

Fortunately, there's a new approach that avoids all
these mistakes AND has 3 advantages:

It stimulates your metabolism to become MORE efficient,
making you MUCH better at burning body fat for energy,
instead of driving you to eat sugar and carbs... It's
extremely fast, taking only 15 minutes, 3 times a week
to get results. These 15 minutes are incredibly
efficient as they stimulate your metabolism to burn fat
for 2-3 days after... It triggers the release of
powerful youth-enhancing hormones that give you a
makeover from the inside out as your cells repair,
rejuvenate and refresh your body AND brain... 

The best part is how much this new approach FORCES you
to rest. Strategically resting at the RIGHT time can
dramatically ramp up fat burning, muscle toning and how
quickly your body re-shapes.

This avoids the dangerous trap of pushing too hard,
sending your cortisol levels through the roof, making
your muscles saggy and packing on belly fat -- the
opposite of what you want!

You can read more about it here on the next page:

==> Do THIS to Torch Fat, Tone Muscle and Repair Your

Healthy Regards,

PS - This new type of metabolic workout is something
that anybody can do, at any age, regardless of their
fitness level or health status. In fact research shows
that the older, sicker and more overweight you are, the
more fat-burning, muscle-shaping, anti-aging benefits
you'll enjoy.

It takes only 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week and
broken into 3 simple phases that systematically fires up
your metabolism, one step at a time, until ultimately it
becomes a raging fat-burning, muscle-shaping metabolic
inferno. Here are the details...

Full Disclosure, I'm directing you to a site that develops 
metabolic workout programs I believe in.  I do not get compensation
for this.  I believe in the information they present and the
programs they develop, use them myself, and am passing them
on to others. 

Living Age-lessly: Living in Love With LIfe Without Fear of Failing


The 4 Constructive Energies Guaranteed to Bring Back the Spark of Life