Achooo! Seasonal allergy symptoms solved

They come around every year….just like your favorite holiday, but likely not as fun.  ALLERGY SYMPTOMS!  For some people seasonal allergies can occur multiple times throughout the year. For others, they are more prominent at the first sight of spring. I personally fall into that category.  It’s said that allergies plague over 50% of Americans every year! Our bodies can have adverse reactions to pollen, plants, snow mold, decaying leaves and more.

Seasonal allergy symptoms will hang on for as long as you are exposed to the allergen. But you don’t have to let this stop you from enjoying being in nature. There are natural supports that can help alleviate your symptoms without the dreaded side effects (drowsiness, brain fog, etc).

Before I came into holistic health, my go-to was over the counter antihistamines.  It got to the point where I was taking them almost year-round. I would deal with the side-effects because in my mind it was better than the symptoms.  I’m here to tell you, you have options! We have a full panel of supports in our store…. nasal sprays, netti pots, vitamins, herbal blends, homeopathics and more.  My two personal favorites are: AllerPro by Tonic Sea and Allergy Rescue by Desbio. 

AllerPro is a natural antihistamine with ingredients like quercetin, stinging nettle leaf, bromelain, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC).  Quercetin is helpful for preventing immune cells from releasing histamines, the chemicals responsible for allergic reactions.  Stinging nettle has been shown to support nasal passageway function. Bromelain supports normal mucosal tissue function and can reduce congestion which improves breathing and suppresses coughing. NAC is the ingredient that can help with keeping your mucus thin and manageable.

Allergy Rescue is a homeopathic from Desbio.  I take this support at the onset of symptoms and even throughout allergy season.  It’s handy to keep in your bag or purse and safe for everyone in your family! Reach for this natural support to reduce symptoms of runny/stuffy nose, sneezing, and red, itchy, watery eyes.  

Stop in ANMC’s natural store to stock up on seasonal allergy supports.  While you’re here, let’s talk about our environmental allergy bioenergetic assessments that can help on your journey to health.  See you soon!


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