Help For Unresolved, Chronic Symptoms

For those suffering with the difficulty of managing chronic illness, symptoms, or trauma. We combine nutrition and brain-based training for a drug-less, natural, system to build resilience, and optimize cellular health, strengthening the body’s ability to resolve symptoms.

Start with an Initial Consultation

We bring awareness to the brain, body, and nervous system’s imbalances.

Therapeutic 6 Month Programs

We spend time to retrain and help your brain wire and fire to give the cells new programming.

When you do this, you move the body from a “fight or flight” dominant survival state to a state where it can rest, recover, and heal.

You may need our combined blend of Trauma-Informed Nutrition, Stress Reduction Techniques, and Neural Cognizance Training if you:

  • have a chronic illness

  • have chronic anxiety

  • live in a chronically stressful state

  • have recently endured an intensely stressful situation

  • are going through counseling

  • are on medications for anxiety or depression

  • are caretaker for an ill family member

  • feel symptoms of blood sugar disorder, feel hangry, weak or shaky in between meals

  • have thyroid or adrenal stress

How Does the Program Work?

Part of your program will include a step by step education program based on concept training, polyvagal harmony, and cellular optimization to help wire the brain and cells to perform optimally. It is a program that helps guide individuals towards better life and health expressions, driven by looking at what’s at the core, and what’s remembered in the limbic system…which the nervous system uses to determine if it’s “safe” or not.

The primary purpose of your nervous system is to sense danger and to keep you alive. It doesn’t just sense big dangers like tigers at your cave, but little dangers like viruses, or challenge to emotions.

It does this through the senses and the emotions, all of which are vibrational, sending electromagnetic, vibrational(frequency) messages to the brain, which are then translated into vibrational and biochemical messages to the cells and body.

When we assist the body to understand it’s own maladaptive stress response and become aware of it’s consequences, we can take advantage of the natural neuroplasticity of the brain and use it to assist a compassionate approach to retraining this stress response and remove the obstacles that impede the wellness stream from flowing.

This enhances communication systems that relay messages from the brain to the body and back, including giving cells a new program to follow.

We put the cells in an environment conducive to healing by becoming aware of the state of survival and work to shift this belief state. In a chronic state, the person has to deal with the often debilitating symptoms of the illness, as well as the emotional stressors of the diagnosis. Often times, just getting through the day keeps the stress response systems in survival mode, and even immobilization.

A chronic stress response state, internally or externally, can affect the body and mind in many ways, symptomatically and relationally.

We are aware that this stressed state and these trauma adaptive stress responses can be at the root of many maladies and dis-harmonies within the body.

Program participants are taught step by step techniques and education known to acknowledge a stress response, nourish the body with the right kinds of foods, identify limiting beliefs and triggers, and learn simple exercises to shift mental focus towards a system of creation of health.

Research shows that mental and emotional resiliency have much to say over a person’s ability to restore harmony where there previously was discord.

It integrates components of :

  • Concept Therapy

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

  • Neuro Programming

  • Polyvagal Theory

  • Law of Nourishment

  • Phenolic Immunotherapy

  • Cell Optimization

  • BioAcoustics

  • Lymphatic and whole systems eliminative health

  • Psychoneuroimmumology

  • Brainwave Retraining

  • Trauma Nutrition

This behavior based program focuses on training a number of lifestyle regulatory skills in the context of the whole life like awareness, mindfulness, limiting belief training, and self regulation, as well as internal regulation of organs and communication systems of the microbiome, the extracellular matrix, nervous system harmonization and healthy mitochondria.

It’s a step by step system working over 20 weeks one on one with the individual’s coaching team, and training for practice in the external life. Once the techniques are learned, it is recommended to practice them on a daily basis, as the brain and body are still adapting and new habits take time.

  • Common sense disclaimer: Our programs do not substitute for medical care and does not constitute medical advice. Educational programs should be seen as a partnership, a piece to the puzzle, as you work to learn, grow and evolve.

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