Losing weight is hard....it doesn't have to be

Everywhere you look, there are contradictions about losing weight. Your friend tells you one thing. You read about just the opposite in a health magazine. And a hot new bestseller at your local but says something quite different altogether. In fact, that’s another problem -- wall-to-wall books on health and nutrition, most of which just contradict each other. By now, you have learned from your own experience that what works for one person, may not work for you. 

Don’t worry, it’s not you.

So how can there be so much confusion and contradiction about something that is supposed to be so good for you? The unfortunate reason is that the majority of the people talking about nutrition know just enough to be dangerous. They know that nutrition can be the answer, but they don't know how to use it properly. And, yes, it is a two-edged sword: If you use it properly, it can help make you well. But make no mistake. If you use it improperly, it can help make you sick or keep you that way. You know. Take this nutrient for that condition. A magic bullet. One standard nutritional remedy for each problem or a universal diet that is supposed to work for everyone. But your own experience and all the contradictory books and articles that you've ever read, aside from making the field of nutrition confusing, frustrating and sometimes downright baffling, have already shown you that this approach doesn't work. And your common sense agrees.

You know that you are unique! You know one shoe size doesn't fit all. You know that everyone is as unique as their fingerprints. So, why would anyone ever think that one diet is right for everyone? Or, that what works nutritionally for one person would work for another as well?

We don't necessarily eat to only satisfy physical hunger. Many turn to food for comfort, stress relief, to fill a void or to reward themselves. When we do decide to seek comfort in food and eat our feelings or treat ourselves.... it is usually junk food, sweets or carbs. Some cravings are specific to the emotion....maybe ice cream if you feel lonely, pizza if you feel like celebrating, fast food when you have a stressful day.

The truth is that food does NOT bring you comfort. If anything...you are uncomfortable after you have binged or have eaten poorly, and you feel like giving up. Your pants start getting tighter which starts the feelings of guilt and remorse. This pattern doesn't solve anything, but My Online Diet Coach has many tools that can help you change your relationship with food. We have over 20 years of experience helping people avoid repeating this perpetual cycle.

Emotional Eating

We will teach you to change your relationship with food

EVERYONE! Anyone looking for a diet that actually works and is unique to their biochemical individuality vs a one-size-fits-all diet.

  • An athlete seeking peak performance

  • A dieter who has had little to no results

  • Anyone suffering from health challenges that needs a resolution

  • Anyone that would like to restore function and achieve optimal health.

Who should do Metabolic Typing?

What will Metabolic Typing Test tell me?

  • Why you are not losing weight

  • What your metabolic imbalances are

  • What types/combinations/ratios of foods are best for you

  • What food sensitivities you may have

  • Which endocrine gland needs the most nutritional support.

  • Losing weight by moving you from fat storage mode to a fat burning mode.

  • Your organs will function appropriately, you will have improved metabolic efficiency.

  • You will start building good health

  • You will turn off bad genes and turn on good genes

  • It will address stressors and toxins in your body.

  • Improves your energy, mental clarity, memory and mood.

  • You will have less cravings and feel more satisfied.

What will following my Metabolic Typing Diet help me with?


We believe health, wellness and weight loss is a very personal and individualized journey.

You are a unique and special person, so are your nutritional, activity, genetic, metabolic and emotional needs.

Just like our perspectives and our personalities, our bodies are as unique as our fingerprints.

We will analyze your physical, psychological, and dietary traits in order to determine which weight loss and exercise plan is best for your unique genetic needs. This is where our team comes in as your personal Health Coach. We will interpret your test results and offer a fully customized program perfect for your metabolism that balances the homeostatic functions of your body.

We will teach you how to match your nutrition to your metabolism and DNA combining protein, carbohydrate and fats in a ratio that will put you into a fat burning mode. We will show you how to obtain and prepare wholesome and nutrient rich food that you will absolutely love.

It is our purpose to provide you with the tools, understanding, and motivation to aid in your success. Your Health Coach will meet you wherever you are in your journey, and will provide support and encouragement. We will help you identify opportunities for improvement, and will celebrate your success.



Still Have Questions?

Get in touch with our team and explore the options that are right for you by calling 320-639-0044.