Our Therapy Packages

  • Styku

    Styku Body Composition Package

    Each component of your body tells a different story about your lifestyle and the journey to a better you. Styku is the only solution of its kind to measure all three major components in a non-invasive, safe way. Styku provides insight on how your fitness and nutritional programs are impacting bone health, lean muscle growth, and fat loss.

    Styku tracks how most dangerous fat, fat between your organs (visceral fat) and fat your midsection (Gynoid and Andriod Fat), is changing over time.

    Styku gives insight over body mass, type, and where it is located and its relationship to health. With planning tools and intuitive calculators, a strategy can be mapped out to help you get where you want to be with your health and body.

  • Huso Sound Therapy

    Huso Sound Therapy Package

    The revolutionary HUSO sound frequency therapy system brings ancient traditions to the modern world — combining high-fidelity audio with human-generated tones to create a whole-body experience like nothing else.

    Relax, calm the mind, shift in the parasympathetic state, increase your HRV

  • Lymph Drainage

    Lymphatic Pressotherapy Package

    Pressotherapy is a procedure that is said to help with lymphatic drainage, thereby potentially slimming the look of the arms and legs (because they carry less fluid), easing aches and pains, and detoxifying the body. It uses an air pressure machine to inflate a suit that squeezes your arms, legs, or abdomen in a rhythmic motion, similar to a massage.

    There is some evidence that lymphatic drainage massage like pressotherapy can reduce the appearance of cellulite, tone and smooth skin, release fluid in the lymph nodes which may build up, relax the muscles, reduce swelling and stiffness in the limbs, improve toxin removal, and support a strong immune system.

  • Photobiomodulation

    Photobiomodulation (Low Level Light Therapy) Packages

    Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation (PBM)is a therapeutic modality that applies low-level light emitting diodes of red light across the spectrum to the surface of the body. The application of low-power lights relieves pain or stimulates and enhances cell function.

    At concentrated wavelengths, it enhances and supports the cell's mitochondria (the battery pack of the cells), allowing them to effectively produce more ATP energy, boost energy, replace damaged tissue, reduce inflammation, and aid the healing process.

    The session is short 6-15 minutes, and is fully clothed.

  • Far Infrared Sauna

    Far Infrared Sauna Therapy Package

    We understand you want to do everything you can to stay healthy and well. You already manage your diet, your fitness and activity levels, your water intake, your mental health. Adding in infrared sauna use to your wellness routine can help even more, especially now. Its natural preventative properties help support all your goals with benefits for circulation, weight loss, sleep, immunity, stress relief and temporary pain relief.

  • Yearly Therapy Membership

    Yearly Therapy Membership Package

    A great way to get to make use of ALL of the available therapies and support your health on a weekly basis. The monthly membership provides one therapy per week.