Why You Need to Pay Attention to Frequency Work

We're going to discuss frequency and frequency work. This topic can be challenging for some, so instead, I'll say that we're going to discuss the most useful and effective method available for restoring alignment to your innate being.

Okay, let's dive into why frequency work is so important.

What is frequency work?

And what does that look like?

Frequency work is the conscious and proactive action of helping to create a positive frequency of energy in your body. To explain this at a more basic scientific level, consider that cells are not static; they actually spin, and as they do, they generate a frequency pattern. This frequency pattern can be measured as energy. So, your body is essentially energy. While I don't recall the exact percentages, it's something astonishingly small, like 0.3%, 0.03%, or 0.07%, of visible matter that makes up a cell. Please don't quote me on the exact figures, but the point is that it's a minuscule amount.

So, what is the rest of that? Everything else in your body is nothing but energy in action, energy in motion. We cannot separate the physical being from the energetic being because you are predominantly energetic. In fact, my dissertation was focused on how science cannot divorce energy from healing. This is why there's only so much we can do physically; we can work directly on what we can see. But since so much of your body consists of things we cannot see, how do we work on those aspects? It's like what I always say, and you can quote me because I say it all the time: When you get injured, you don't just get injured once; you get injured twice, once in the body and once in the mind.

The nervous system will always record every experience you've ever had because its primary goal is evolution. The nervous system's job is, quite literally, to ensure your survival. Therefore, it records everything you have ever gone through, thought, or experienced, storing this information in the energy of your body, primarily in the subconscious portions of the brain. In addition to the cells, microbiome, and extracellular matrix (ECM), there are multiple messenger systems in the body. How do they communicate? How can every cell in the body communicate with each other? The answer lies in the rapid communication facilitated by the nervous system. However, it's also due to a frequency.

Frequencies can be felt throughout the body, and you can experience this as a whole being. Have you ever walked into a room where people were arguing, perhaps a couple, and you could feel the tension in the air? It's like you can cut that tension with a knife. There's nothing physical that you can see, but what you're picking up on is the energy in the room. Your cells do the same thing inside your body, as does the extracellular matrix (ECM) and your microbiome. They use energy to quickly and effectively communicate with every other part of their community, sending signals to different parts of the brain and the body.

The primary goal is to understand interference—anything that can impede these messages, the frequency patterns, and hinder the correct transmission of frequencies to the cells, which are crucial for their proper function. For example, when we spend our days on concrete, in concrete buildings with Wi-Fi and fluorescent lights, or even at a mall, you might notice feeling tired after a while. This fatigue isn't just because you're not at work; it's because you've surrounded yourself with frequencies that disrupt the natural innate functionality of your cells. On the other hand, when you visit a beach, it's not merely about relaxation. It's because the air near the water contains ions, and the sand you stand on is rich in minerals and salts.

Your perceptions are quite different because the energy patterns you're picking up on, being in nature, are more in harmony with the actions of your cells. They align better with the frequency patterns of your own cells. This is why nature is so important, and it's crucial for us to spend time outdoors. There are also mechanical methods for doing frequency work with people. One of the methods we like to use is Solfeggio Therapies, where we utilize Solfeggio Frequencies to help remove impedance—think of it as taking the sticks out of the river so that the river can flow freely. What we're doing is simply reminding the cells of their natural innate frequency. When they are in their natural frequency, they function normally. They can efficiently absorb nutrients, eliminate waste, and reproduce optimally. As we do this more frequently, we generate better and healthier generations of cells. Frequency work is incredibly important, and it's a topic that I believe we'll be discussing more and more as time goes on.

Frequency work is also one of the most important ways we can engage in conversations with the subconscious. The subconscious mind serves as a library where records of various life events, experiences, emotions, and happenings are stored in different parts of your brain. Emotions and frequency play a significant role in the subconscious mind. They are essential for connecting with what's happening in the subconscious. Therefore, when we focus on our emotions, analyze how they make us feel, and pinpoint where in our bodies we experience these emotions, we can start bringing them into conscious awareness.

And here's one thing we often struggle with. We don't help people manage their emotions - actually, I shouldn't use the word 'manage.' It's not about managing your emotions; it's about acknowledging them, recognizing them, and being determined to learn from what these emotions have to teach you. Unfortunately, we aren't very good at this either because we often have loving intentions. We reassure our children, saying, 'Don't be scared, mommy's here, you're fine.' However, in doing so, we may be missing an opportunity and inadvertently creating anxiety. By telling our children that the threats they perceive aren't real, we prevent them from learning how to effectively use their emotions as tools. Consequently, these emotions get stored and trapped in their subconscious minds, only to resurface in their bodies later on.

If pain is suppressed, it will resurface as pain later on, often playing a significant role in our physical health as we age. So, when considering treatment – though I hesitate to call it that – Physiotherapy emerges as a highly beneficial, non-invasive, and easily accessible option. It doesn't produce side effects or harm; instead, it's a means to put your cells on a kind of vacation and return them to their natural state of being.

This aligns with our primary goal. When we exist in a natural state, our physical presence in the world becomes one of greater ease, inner peace, and reduced susceptibility to illness. Always remember, it's all about creating an environment conducive to health.


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