What is Functional Wellness?

Functional wellness is an approach to health and well-being that focuses on optimizing the function of the body's systems, rather than just treating symptoms or diseases. It recognizes that health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

Functional wellness aims to identify and address the root causes of health issues, rather than just treating the symptoms. This can involve various approaches, such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and lifestyle changes, to support the body's natural healing processes and promote optimal health.

Functional wellness also emphasizes the importance of individualized, holistic care that takes into account a person's unique needs and goals. This approach recognizes that every person is different and that a one-size-fits-all approach to health is not effective.

Overall, functional wellness is a proactive and preventative approach to health that seeks to optimize physical, mental, and emotional well-being by promoting optimal functioning of the body's systems.

  • Strong immune function

    Great concentration and memory

    Perfect sleep

    Normal appetite

    Excellent skin, hair and nails

    Normal energy and emotional balance

    Excellent reproductive function

  • Less colds and flu

    Normal breathing ability

    Powerful immune function and ability to fight infection

    Proper bowel movements

    Proper allergen removal

  • Excellent balance

    Strong mental acuity

    Normal digestion and elimination

    Normal Sleep

    Ability to relax and be energized when you want to

    Normal sense function, i.e. eyes, ears, nose, etc.

    Ability to heal quickly

    Normal emotional adaptation

  • Normal weight

    Normal bowel movements

    Normal function of gall bladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, etc.

    Normal digestion and assimilation of ALL foods

    Normal blood sugar levels

  • Normal feeling in all limbs

    Strong muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and joints

    Ability to move and do what you want, when you want

    Healthy pain free muscles and joints

    Excellent joint motion

  • Normal functioning thyroid gland

    Normal cardiovascular function

    Normal Lymphatic function(elimination of toxins and waste matter)

    Perfect working heart and lungs

    Excellent blood flow to all organs and tissues

What is Functional Wellness?

Amanda Plevell’s perspective
Owner of ANMC
Functional Wellness is the unique term for the art and practice of identifying the body as a functioning unit containing systems that work together and are comprised of cellular structures serving that specific function.  In layman's terms, everything has a job and a purpose and a reason to be inside of this amazing capsule of the human body.  Functional Wellness is not about defining the ailment, illness, or disease by term or diagnosis, it’s about Optimal Functioning.    It is about taking the body from where it IS to an image of where we want it to BE.  
I’ll use this analogy:  When my middle son was 5 years old, we signed up up for Karate classes, knowing he was absolutely ecstatic about it.  However, once he got his uniform and put it on, he sat down on the edge of the mat and absolutely refused to do anything the karate master was telling him.  I tried to help, to no avail.  This kid was absolutely NOT going to “do as he was told”.  After the fact, it turns out I discovered there was legitimate reason to his “disobedience”;  the pants he was given were too big and the thought of embarrassment if  they should come down drove my son to near panic and thus he was not willing to do anything that would risk that.  Instead of talking to us to help solve the problem, he simply refused and could not be talked into trying karate again.  I am reminded of this story as I work with each new body.  Your body is not trying to be naughty, complicate your life, give you difficulty, hurt you, or whatever other unresolved emotions we project onto it.  There is a REASON for it’s “disobedience” and it is ALWAYS trying to look out for your best interest.  We simply see it as one with us, and work to understand its expression.

What Makes Our Method So Successful?

We work to understand the unique Bio-Individuality of the person, as in the analogy we used above. While most conventional, and even natural methods have programs and attack plans, We believe the body is best served by seeing it as the RESULT of our efforts, not the focus of them.  We focus on the person and then work to promote lifestyle in such a way that the body cannot help but to express health and wellbeing, not wait until illness to dictate how our efforts must now be diligently raised.  
Each person has a unique constitution.  These Fractions of Personality help us understand experiences that influence how a person thinks, acts, responds, the kinds of jobs they are good at, how they are as children, the shadow sides to this personality, and most usefully:  how they heal.   Identifying these messages addresses the person has a whole being (holistic) and makes bringing them back to a state of balance successful - resulting in functional wellness (all parts of the body functioning as they were meant to).   It’s optimization at the cellular level for a true and complete re-programming of the idea of health.   Health is LIVING HEALTHFULLY, tending the roots, nourishing the soil, and honing the potential.